Company history


Erwin PEETZ GmbH & Co. KG has evolved over many years, through various milestones, to become what it is today: a strong company at the heart of the Sauerland region. The starting shot was given by Erwin Peetz himself:

Company history

  • Founding of the company by Erwin Peetz in Lennestadt-Saalhausen

    During the company’s early years, PEETZ produced wheelbarrows, mortar pans, trestles, grates, dampers and frame strip iron.

    portrait Erwin Peetz

  • The idea to manufacture steel guardrails is born

    That same year, the first order of its type was carried out near Bonn, Germany, on a length of over 800 metres.

  • Steady growth in several stages

    In the following years the PEETZ Group grew in several stages. Companies are bought in, new production halls and offices are built, and new branches of production are continually added to the program. An important milestone is the commissioning of a new galvanizing plant at the end of 1970, which, however, reaches its capacity limits just a year later and is being expanded.

  • Founding of the subsidiary company in Olbernhau

  • Expansion of a new line of business

    This year the amphibian fences business area is added.

  • Founding of the subsidiary company in Finowfurt

  • Founding of the subsidiary company in Donaueschingen

  • Takeover of the company Straleit

  • “Making your path safe”

    the PEETZ Group considers itself not only a manufacturer and supplier of steel guardrails and prefabricated steel parts, but above all as a flexible problem-solver and true expert serving a wide range of customer requests and market requirements. PEETZ works in close collaboration with customers to plan tailored solutions. State-of-the-art machinery and tools help our employees to produce high-quality parts. PEETZ focuses on modernisations and investments. Our assembly teams are active all across Germany and assemble PEETZ products reliably and to last.

  +49 (0) 2723 91 48 30
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